Delta Charter Elementary-
Delta Charter Home-
Delta Charter High School-
Delta Bridges Charter-
DCO/Delta Keys-
The San Joaquin County Office of Education and the San Joaquin County Public Health Services issued a revised set of guidelines for reopening schools this fall that include a recommendation that “our county schools start the new school year with 100% distance learning” along with the promise to reassess the situation in mid-August.
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Site-Based Schools:
Delta Charter Elementary, Delta Charter High School, New Jerusalem Elementary, Delta Bridges
· Students begin Academic Year 2023-2021 on
Monday, August 17
· Operate with 100% Distance Learning until further notice
Virtual Schools:
Delta Home, DCO, Keys
· Students begin Academic Year 2023-2021 on August 12 for Delta Home
· Students begin Academic Year 2023-2021 on August 5 for DCO/Keys
· Operate with 100% Distance Learning (No Resource Center or Site Enrichment) until further notice
Special Education Services:
· More clarifications are needed at this time regarding students on site for testing and receiving services
Distance Learning Assumptions:
· Students will be required to make daily contact with instruction.
· Students will be required to complete assignments.
· Students will be given grades for their Daily Work Assignments/Quizzes/Tests.
· There will not be the same leniency for disengagement as there was during the Spring.
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· Distance learning will require reliable Internet access and/or books and workbooks.
· Students will not have any bus transportation provided to or from school during Distance Learning.
The health and safety of our students, families, and staff are our top priority. As we continue to monitor the state and local guidelines, we will keep everyone informed. We are committed to make adjustments to these plans as they become necessary.
Please reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.
David Thoming, Steve Payne, & Laurie Fracolli
Posted 7/28/20
Below are some resources for distance learning. For any specific questions or independent study materials contact your students school site directly.
English: (209) 830-9370 ext.2394
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